Inspiration Story 12 – Betty


Stats:     Age: 68      Weight After: -13     DF Services: Personal Training

I have been blessed with good health my entire 68 years. My mother had a garden, canned fruit, baked bread, and with the exception of oatmeal cookies, we ate no sweets. Putting extra sugar on anything was unheard of.

I began smoking at age 30 and took to it like a duck to water. I smoked for 10 years and the last 3 years, smoked 2.5-3 packs a day. I quit 18 years 11 months ago with the help of hypnosis and Nicorette gum. Quitting was hell.

I stopped going to Pilates 5 years ago and had been procrastinating about getting back into an exercise program for 4 years. A year ago I met with Julie and have faithfully exercised twice a week for the last year. I lost 13 pounds, walk with a zip in my step, and feel strong and supple. Not only do I feel strong, I am strong. Never did I think that at this age I could bench press, but I’m doing it. When I started, I could hold a forearm plank for about 30 seconds. Now I’m up to 3 minutes.

Thanks Julie.



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